Another thing that "struck me" as interesting was the fact that they have become more focused on women and youth riders. (compared to just men)
Similar to Target.com (as posted earlier), Harley Davidson truly focuses on the concept of using information to provide greater customer satisfaction (Roberts, page 16-17). There are several other (cheaper) brands that consumers can purchase, so it is extremely important for Harley to satisfy their customers. The majority of Harley riders will remain extremely loyal, so maintaining that relationship is crucial as well.
The website is creative and exciting - which makes consumers want to rush out and buy one. (or, of course--"build" their own Harley right online)
Creating value, building great relationships, and high quality products is clearly how they succeed!
Harley sells an experience that just happens to come in the form of a bike. The website needs to reinforce that experience message and be part of an integrated marketing communication plan consistent with the whole.